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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Genes or Environment
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Question of the Day
Question: Is justice by any means still justice?
Please post your opinions.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Brief Return
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Big Things
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Death of a Stock Market
Monday, August 13, 2007
The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Forever in a Day
Monday, July 16, 2007
Serpent's Song
Friday, July 13, 2007
Unnatural Selection
- The first Thinking Blogger Award goes to Enemy of the Republic at "Cruel Virgin". I am giving this Award to her because she and her blog are not closed minded. Her blog is full of ideas that honestly make you think. She is not dismissive, and willing to discuss the opinions expressed in the comments.
- The second goes to Tim from "Finding the Truth". He is an honest blogger who only seeks to fight for what is right and speak out against what is wrong. He doesn't care what side the problem is from wrong is wrong.
- Third goes to Remorji from "Sittin on the Big Porch". Here we have a blogger who is not only finding himself, but wants others to learn from his lessons. Knowing this blogger personally. I know how much he has grown an also know the lessons that can be gained from his stories.
- The fourth award goes to over at "The X Spot" This blogger is one who discusses topics most are not familiar with and shines the light on them. He wants to educate people for their own good. The stories he tells will open your eyes.
- Finally we have Urban Butterfly from "Urban Butterfly". She is one of the most unique bloggers around a blog full of poetry. Here you will find poem that express in great detail the things everyone goes through.The poems are great and enlightening. UB as she is called has a beautiful blog and soul. Definitely one to check out.
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to the original post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme. (there’s that word…)
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Point of No Return
1) As a young blogger, who tackles pretty heavy topics- what are the reactions of your peers to your posts, and do they have much input? Actually many people in my social life don't know about my blog or this side of me, but when people do find out about my blog they are intrigued. In high school all I heard was "that's cool" or "your into that". In college it is a different story they ask questions, read my post. Many times we become better friends because I realise that they think about the same stuff and vice versa. We end up having long discussions about politics and the world. As far as input no my blog is all me, but they do give me inspiration.
2) Your generation is going to have many messes to clean up- if now is any indication- how do you see America and the world being in 20 years? 20 years, well I see American rights being stripped away under an ever increasing power of the Executive Office, a Supreme Court who will not challenge any conservative president, and if attitudes don't change a Congress afraid of the Executive office. America will be even more divided. The rest of the world will follow suit. The big mess my generation will have to clean up is the political structure of the entire world. The economy is going to be horrible, the U.S. is going to be isolated from the rest of the world Europe particularly. After the collapse of the middle east chaos will ensue dragging more European nations into the fight far deeper than they would like. Latin America may be a third world region once the U.S. ignores them in favor of the Middle East issue. This is what I see unless we get some policy makers in office who see this problem and are willing to correct it.
3) Reading your blog over the past months- it seems as if you are looking at issues and learning from them as you go along. what was the inspiration for you to start blogging? The inspiration to start blogging was a two part thing. Starting with the 2000 elections I had been very interested in politics, but I had no one to talk to about it. So I learned and quietly observed on my own, keeping my thoughts to myself. Then my father called me one day telling me to check out his blog, Sitting on the big Porch, I did and when he explained what it was to me. I knew I had found what I needed. An open forum of discussion on issues that meant a lot to me. I feel that a lot happens in the world and as long as I speak out I have made a difference.
4) If you were running a candidate's campaign for president, what would be your advice to him/her for a platform? Glad you asked. I often feel like candidates are selling a product with fine writing saying "results may vary". I would tell them to be honest and tell them what you plan to do, don't sugar coat it. Talk to the average man/woman, the people you intend to serve like they have some intelligence, don't baby them. Absolutely no Smear campaigns. If you are honest about your intentions the people will see what you are really about. If you win then you won fair and square, no tricks. If you lose, at least you ran an honest campaign. I think that liberal, conservative, or moderate we are all tired of fake, dirty, dishonest politicians
5) Many of us out here in blogland take up many causes- but we have one pet cause we champion (mine is the environment)- do you have one? and if so, what is it? My cause is equality. It encompasses many things, equal rights racial harmony, and many more, but I want us all to be equal, because we are. So it may seem my passions vary, but it all boils down to equality. I can't let our rights be violated. I believe humanity has so much potential, but we can only live up to it once we are all free. I am afraid of what will become of us if we allow corruption and the centralization of power to take over our world.
Do YOU want to be interviewed?
Interview rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with a post containing your the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
It's Good to be King
Monday, July 02, 2007
North Korea is testing more weapons. N. Korea is going to be a real threat I watch a lot of of Sci-fi and drama shows and one thing that they have in common is that close to the end of the season things begin to build up until the climactic season finale. I am afraid we are reaching the end of our season an old enemy returns and is gaining strength(N. Korea). The main characters are getting a new leader(U.S.'s election is coming). The main enemy's devious plot was foiled leading into their next big attack(London terror attacks). At the end of the season it will all come together. Now that was just a little fun I was having with the current situation, but the truth is that N. Korea is a real threat. It seems to me that no one else seems to care very much unless it is on CNN or Fox News. We as a people need to start prioritizing what we need to do. Iraq is too far gone and we are in too deep to just pull all out now. We do need a gradual pull out of Iraq and start dealing with N. Korea. I am not saying we do what we did in Iraq, because we all know how that went, but North Korea is a real problem that the U.S. and other nations need to address. We need to address them soon before the Season end with us caught by surprise.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Broca Divide
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Ties That Bind
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
This post and the next nine post, their titles all have something in common as a tribute.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Tagged II: The Reckoning
"better than the original"-Sikel and Abbot
"Breakout Post of the summer"-Tumbling Stone
"masterpiece, thrill ride, you have to read this post"- Whitley Times
- When I am alone I talk my thoughts
- When really being myself I am very goofy
- I have a memory box where I keep thing that remind me of important days or events
- I think I am addicted to soda
- I wonder if human beings will ever really have peace
- If a woman can really truly sing I am instantly attracted to her
- If a person cares only for themselves or limits themselves to their immediate surroundings I am instantly biased against them
- I love being naked(TMI perhaps)
each blogger starts with eight - ten random facts/habits about themselves…* people who are tagged need to write posts in their own blog about the tag and post these rules…* at the end of your post, you need to choose people to get tagged and list their names
Charlie, Imran, Deborah, Dirk Star, Sornie, Betmo, Anne, Simon are Tagged to have their own spin offs.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
For Your Protection
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Diet Racism
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Year One
Monday, May 21, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Question of the Day
Question: Are all people essentially the same?
Please post your opinions
Monday, May 07, 2007
I am so embarrassed
Monday, April 30, 2007
“In 2005, I was a victim of a violent crime. I was shot multiple times without provocation by two armed men who attempted to carjack my vehicle. Although I was a crime victim, I didn’t feel like I could cooperate with the police investigation. Where I come from, once word gets out that you’ve cooperated with the police that only makes you a bigger target of criminal violence. That is a dark reality in so many neighborhoods like mine across America. I’m not saying its right, but its reality. And it’s not unfounded. There’s a harsh reality around violence and criminal justice in our inner Cities."
Camron Giles
I was watching the news and saw that the "snitchin" thing is big in the news. I had heard of this before. I saw it on shirts and posters and such, but I am embarrassed about how naive I was. I never would have thought that people would actually take this to heart. Apparently people are following this Idea. People are letting this idea that they must be street credible or street soldiers. I believe in social responsibility. Rappers whether they want to or not are role models in America, but especially in the black community. There is a disturbing number of children growing up without a competent father figure. So the children look up to the rappers who could care less about the children. Many rappers will tell you that it isn't their job to be role models for the fans of their music. Which is true, but one should take that to to be on both sides of the coin. It is one thing to say something in your music and say it is just music, but it is quite a different thing to promote it outside of your music. This "stop snitchin" thing really make me angry. Rappers are putting this idea in people head and it is doing nothing, but creating more problem in the black communities. So here we have a cycle. The dangerous circumstance of the ghettos create gangsta rappers, who in turn promote the life style that they claim is so bad, that sustains the situation of the black community, and probably increases the danger of the black community, and that creates more gangsta rappers. Thus the cycle starts all over again. You would think that people who grew up in the harsh, unforgiving streets would not want it to continue, but alas they enforce it. It is all about money. Big corporations control rap music. These rappers sell out their own people for money. The CEOs of the corporations will only sign people who enforce these ideas. So people rap about the same thing in order to be record deals. One man that I have lost all respect for is Russel Simmons. He is one person that is all about the money. He defends rap to the end. Say things to the effect of it is not the rappers job the be responsible for their music, stop blaming the rappers, basically to me he is saying I don't care, stop bothering me, I just want my money. That is my take on his words not his words. He is a man that is all about the money to me, he defends the diamond trade knowing full well the the deaths attributed to it. When rap came under attack and was threatened he takes the high road. Where was he all the years it was going on before. What I think is that he is in danger of losing money so he call for reform to save rap so he can continue to make money. I have no respect for Russel Simmons. As long as people like Russel Simmons are considered the leaders of the black community rap has no chance for redemption.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
"Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
Today is the "Blog against Theocracy" day. We live in a Nation that was founded on certain principles. One of the First is separation of church and State. I am not against religion. I am a very spiritual person actually, but on my own terms. I am also a the type of person that cannot, and would not stand by and let people's rights be violated. A Theocracy is apart, at least in my view, of the Absolutism family. The absolutism family includes dictatorship, Monarchy, Despotism, Totalitarian, Fascism, Nazism, and Theocracy. I believe this because in a Theocracy the views of one group is set above all others. That will inherently lead to abuses of power. It does not matter how good the religion is absolute power corrupts absolute. A lot of people push religious agendas in American politics. This is wrong. We can't allow creationism to be taught in schools. We cannot allow the Ten commandment in govn't buildings, and we cannot allow prayer in school. We can't be that because if we do we are persecuting people who do not follow these teachings.When we do this we are forcing Christianity on people. This nation of ours is not a christian nation, despite what you may think. My roommate thinks that this is a christian nation. He says that this country was founded by Christians. In fact many if not all of the founding fathers were Deist. They followed Deism, which is a religious philosophy that believes in the existence of God, but believe that God isn't involved in human affairs, and that we must take care of ourselves while we are here on the earth. It also states religious beliefs be based on the natural world, because understanding the world is that only to know God. So basically they were not pro religion, which is not the same as God. I hope we all know that God and Religion are not the same thing. So now that we know the founding fathers could not be Christian because they were not advocates of Religion. We must move on to the majority is Christian claim. What if the shoe was on the other foot? Would you be offended if the Qur'an were displayed at your courthouse? The golden rule "do unto others and you would have them do unto you" This nation is for everyone. If we allow persecute people and force our beliefs on others we are no better than the real bad people. I see that the Right wing evangelical radicals in this country are trying to turn this country in to a christian nation. If that were to let this happen I know we would persecute the people that differ from them. Whether it be Muslims, Scientist, Homosexuals, or atheist. What people don't realize is that if it became that way. the moral values would be enforced harshly and more than just moral views. The principles that we hold dear would be stripped from us. You cannot have it one way, and not the other it everyone is free or no one is. Do not let people manipulate your fears. They will turn it against you. A religious state is not and never will be what you think it is.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
- Queen Elizabeth I
- Hatshepsut
- Amelia Earhart
- Susan B. Anthony
- Sandra Day O'Connor
- Joan of Arc
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Barbara Smith
- Mya Angelou
- Harriet Tubman
- Hattie McDaniel
- Natalie Cole
- Lyudmila Pavlichenko
- Jackie Joyner-Kersee
of course there are more. These are just a few. This time I would like you to look up anyone on this list you don't know.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Death & Importance
If the past, and the present exist only in the
mind, and the mind is controllable, then what?Goerge Orwell "1984"
I read this quote on my father's nightstand when I visited him two years ago and it stays with me to this day . Thanks Remorji for the tip on the quote.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Ode to Communism
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Steve Rogers aka Captain America
Friday, March 09, 2007


Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Full Circle
For my own benefit I would much appreciate if you all would tell me your favorite post that I have done. I will tell you my top five, in no specific order, but I ask that you please tell me at least one. Thank you.
- Hero or Villain?
- Disappointment
- Rhyme Time
- Symbolism
- Lies, D Lies, and Statistics
Monday, February 12, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Gwendolyn Brooks first African-American to win Pulitzer Prize
Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church first African-American church
Thomas L. Jennings first African-American to hold a patent
Alexander Twilight first African-American to receive a degree from an American college
Freedom's Journal first African-American owned-and-operated newspaper
James McCune Smith first professionally trained African-American doctor
Macon B. Allen first African-American licensed to practice law in the United States
John Mercer Langston first African-American elected to public office
Oscar Dunn first elected African-American lieutenant governor (Louisiana)
P.B.S. Pinchback of Louisiana first African-American governor (non-elected)
Edward Alexander Bouchet (Yale College)Ph.D in physics first African-American to earn a doctorate degree, also first African-American to graduate from Yale, 1874
Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. first African-American U.S. Army general:
First Lieutenant Vernice Armour First female African-American combat pilot in the U.S. Armed Services:
Manning Marable is a prominent African-American political scholar
John Hope Franklin is a United States historian and past president of the American Historical Association
Abram Lincoln Harris, Jr. was an African American economist, academic, anthropologist and a social critic of blacks in the United States
Toni Morrison is one of the most prominent authors in world literature, having won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993 for her collected works
Otelia Cromwell is the first African-American graduate of Smith College. The college later began the tradition of canceling afternoon and evening classes in her honor every November as a venue to talk about race and diversity
Beverly Daniel Tatum is the current president of Spelman College Tatum received her B.A. in psychology from Wesleyan University and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Michigan.Tatum received her B.A. in psychology from Wesleyan University and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Michigan
Dr. Jacqueline Bontemps continues to be recognized in numerous publications, resource books, and textbooks for her scholarship in the field of art by African American women
Morgan State University is a historically black college and Maryland's designated public urban university
Southern University and A&M College is one of the most well-known historically black colleges and universities
The Negro Leagues were American professional baseball leagues comprising predominantly African-American teams
The one-drop theory (or one-drop rule) is a historical colloquial term for the standard, found throughout the United States of America, that holds that a person with any trace of sub-Saharan ancestry (however small or invisible) can not be considered white and so unless said person has an alternative non-white ancestry they can claim, such as Native American, Oriental, Arab, Australian aboriginal, they must be considered black
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007

