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Thursday, September 06, 2007


Today I started college, I only have one class on Tuesday & Thursday. I don't start work until next week so I was just chilling out in the Student center. My friend and I were talking and we were just discussing things. Some how things drifted toward people don't what they are doing and abortion came up. I live in the south, the dixie, the bible belt so my beliefs tend to be in the minority especially if religion is involved. I voiced my opinion on how even if it is wrong you still don't have the right to deny anyone the right to choose. We were having a political discussion. Some how the discussion smoothly drifted to religion straight up and the debate we were have became a sermon. Now the man who turned it into a sermon is my friend. I met him last year him and a couple of people took me in as a friend when I knew no one. So he will always me my friend. He went through some stuff this summer and God or maybe more likely religion help him through it. I am not against religion, but it seems that when people are put though the fire what ever is there becomes there life. I feel as if I am witnessing the birth of a fundamentalist. It is very interesting to witness. However I feel about his path, the intellectual in me(not to sound over confident) is interested


The Future Was Yesterday said...

As a fellow "Dixian?", in S.C., Politics=Religion. "God" speaks to these freaks, and tells them what he wants to happen in the world.

Fundamentalists are born when you have to go #2, btw.

DirkStar said...

If you read the bible, it is amazing how quickly the fact emerges that real faith does not develop out of chaos.

So many modern Christians use a testimony that revolves around an episode of conflict or threat. If you read the stories about how the Apostles were chosen you'll quickly realize that they were leading ordinary lives at the time of their choosing.

Look through the old testament... You'll find the same pattern.

The strength to survive trials is not born of trial and tribulation. It is born of a quiet walk with a loving savior.

Jesus prepares his children so that they are ready for the work ahead. He does not wait until you are most stressed before he shows up and rescues you from a fire.

I'm tired of tragedy born Christians.

Show me a faith born of contemplation and quiet prayer.

Drama Christians are always in a panic about something. How can they ever hear the small still voice of Christ?

billie said...

first off- c-dell, i recommend you read 'god is not great' by christopher hitchens. very intellectual book and some of the best writing i have seen in a long time.

second, i don't know how to say this without sounding trite- but i will just say it- you are a gem. it is going to be tough for you to maintain your integrity sometimes because you are going to be a lone thinking person awash in a sea of imbeciles. stay strong- and stay learning.

i find it mildly amusing that you see your fundamentalist friend as a 'science experiment' in a petri dish to observe :)

X. Dell said...

The Future Was Yesterday, I think it's more that these "freaks" (as you call them) are talking to God and telling Him what they want to happen in the world.

Since we're so many years removed from the time when feminism was acceptable, I feel obligated that the phrase "right to choose" doesn't mean exactly the right to choose abortion or birth, although it certainly entails such a choice. The phrase actually means the right for a woman to choose what to do with her own body. In other words, they regard the fetus as part of the woman's body, not an independent entity that survives on its own.

People have exploited gods for millennia in order to grant to themselves an authoriy that would otherwise be illegitimate.