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Monday, July 16, 2007

Serpent's Song

Well Louisiana is all over the news lately. Sen. David Vitter has been tied to the DC Madam. Now I do not care if Senator Vitter had sex with a prostitute, I don't care if he had sex with three prostitutes and a orangutan. As long as he does his job well I could care less that is between him, the law and his family, but it quickly becomes my business when he lies to get elected. He didn't lie about this situation, but he lied about what he stands for, he pushed conservative issues in congress. Then it turns out that he doesn't practice what he preaches. That makes him a hypocrite. I think he has refuse to answer any questions about the situation. Soliciting a prostitute is still a crime in this country. As a representative of the people he is answerable to the people, When president Clinton got caught up the right wing could not stop putting him down. Don't get me wrong I like Clinton he was a good pres, but he did lie under oath, I don't care what he and the intern did, but when your perjure yourself then I have a problem. Really when it comes down to it what my real problem is, is that this is a growing problem going on in politics hypocrites. Does anyone stand for what they say they stand for? I already have a problem with the legislature that conservatives push in congress, but I respect them. When you are caught flat out doing the opposite, it just makes it hard for me to still respect you. Can they even be trusted. What happened to honor? Honor you constituents, your office. Conservatives want to act so up right, and morally righteous. How can they justify their action from Foley to Newt Gingrich to David Vitter. The story that Senator Vitter is telling is the same old song I heard a million times before, I am sorry, my family and I are working through it, I've answered to God, This is a personal matter. I guess It is our fault we let them get away with it.


Sornie said...

This is the sort of crap that gets me going. The high and mighty conservatives push their agenda upon everyone and then go and do exactly the opposite in their own personal lives. I don't even have a catchy phrase to wrap this all up.

DirkStar said...

They got away with it for a while...

The Conservative Republicans are like catholic priests. They are held to a standard that is simply impossible to maintain.

Eventually they are subject to the very same desires as the rest of us and sometimes they succumb to those desires.

I'm tired of sex scandals...

Using one's office for personal monetary gain and influence is a far greater crime against far more people than a sex act.

Lying to a nation to get involved in a war is wrong on a scale far greater than a sexual act.

How many lives have been lost because of Mr. Vitter?

The real criminals in our political system are those allowing the murder of innocent people to continue in the name of party solidarity.

The Republicans who will not publicly acknowledge a mistake and join together with their Democratic counterparts to demand the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq are guilty of far more serious crimes than an act of sexual promiscuity with a prostitute.

Mr. Bush and Dick Chaney are guilty of screwing the entire country.

They are guilty of having prostituted our future to Islamic countries who are going to attack us irregardless of whatever jobs, weapons or financial aid we send to them.

What was the financial cost of Mr. Vitter's indiscretion?

What is the continued cost of Mr. Bush's indiscretions?

Let's prosecute the real criminals and leave the cheaters to the mercies of their wives...

The Future Was Yesterday said...

same old song I heard a million times before, I am sorry, my family and I are working through it, I've answered to God, This is a personal matter.
I too have heard those excuses, and the only one I think is true at all is: "This is a personal matter." Who gives a firecracker who forgave the idiot? We are not judge and jury. Further, unless it impacted his performance on his were dead on. I especially liked the Orangutan part!:)

Enemy of the Republic said...

My office mate is from New Orleans and never liked that creep. Yeppers, same old song. I am SO SICK OF IT PLAYING in my head. Dump them all.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is just the conservatives, it is both parties. Remember the dems ran on "we will be better than the repbulicans". This should show everyone, that one party is just as flawed as the other.
Personally, I don't care about a guy who went and hired a hooker. There are more important issues to attend to.
C-dell-took down the site. Too busy to work on it.

Anonymous said...

C-dell like the new colors.

billie said...

c-dell- firstly, i like the changes at the site- the poll and clock are cool!

hypocrisy is apparently a prerequisite to joining the 'compassionate conservative party of family values.' i have frankly lost count of the number of infidelities, prostitutes, and pedophilia counts that the gop has racked up. it doesn't seem to shame them at all.

Shanosha said...

Oh, my email is

Mary said...

This sort of hypocritical behavior seems to be par for the course. When will these people learn?

X. Dell said...

One of the more interesting things about this case is that ABC News had the list, but declined not to mention any of the names one it because none of them were newsworthy.

I can understand a news organization not publishing something unless it is newsworthy. I can understand if a news organization didn't publish something it considered to be personal business.

What I don't understand is lying about the reason for not publishing, especially when you had legitimate reasons for your actions.

I'm following the Palfrey case because it might very have some intelligence implications. The connection to prostitutes and Porter Goss (through his business associates in order to influence others) could have been part of Palfrey's business, and I'm seeing if a link reveals itself.

DirkStar said...

Taking the summer off?

Anonymous said...

I was devilishly delighted to hear the Vitter news. If it weren't for the general hypocrisy, the abstinence only position, etc., etc., I wouldn't be glad to see him caught out, but since he is so preachy about everyone else it was fun to see him caught.