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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I am talking about the horrible conditions that our soldiers are having to live in in Walter Reed. The whole situation is despicable. The soldiers were in their own urine, mold was in the wall, and so much more. I am not a fan of this war never have been. I still want the soldiers, who are putting their lives on the line for what seems to be boiling down to pride, to be taken care of and watched after. I do not understand how that could have happened. Again the the infamous blame game starts. The pointing of fingers starts. Pres. Bush is the head of the executive branch all things that happen, happen under his watch. I will be the first to admit he cannot know everything that happens, but like I said he is the head of the executive branch. Pres. Bush is supposed to take blame for what happened and punish those directly responsible and then appoint people he thinks to be more capable. Instead he passes the blame and has a complete disconnect with the events that transpired their. He is trying to save his own image. His Press Secretary doesn't make it any better. Scott McClellan was annoying he claimed that the administration never knew anything, Tony Snow is frustrating he never says that the administration is at all responsible for anything. He says the President is not responsible and then talks to the press as if they are stupid if they say anything to the contrary/he refuses to answer questions. This administration has done a lot of things wrong, but not taking blame for anything is one of the most insulting. President Bush is supposed to be the "Decider", but apparently in name only. The soldiers trust that they will be taken care of if injured for their service to the govn't. for them to return home to this is a direct insult to them and their families, not to mention disrespectful. One man said in regards to the Walter Reed situation that he did not think it was all that bad. His evidence to this was the number of plasma screen TVs the hospital has. Those soldiers do not need TVs or Playstations they need medical care. For a man who is supposed to care for them to say such things is a slap in the face. It tells me that they are just supposed to take whatever care is given to them, and be happy. I would have thought that the conservatives who push so hard for the Iraq war and always say "support our troops" would be with me now if ever. Instead they make excuses for the people who let this happen to American soldiers. This really makes me mad. This tells me that the soldiers are just a means to an end for this administration. That is so disrespectful to the Soldiers of this war, other wars, the families of the soldiers, and to the American people.


Undeniable Liberal said...

Yes, my friend, the Republicunts are saying "see this is what happens with socialized medicine." They prefer the scary term socialized as opposed to universal.It's a shame that these crooks won't accept responsibility for anything.

Sornie said...

It seems to me that this administration will claim ignorance on any issue which they are truly guilty of having knowledge of that, in the end, proves to cast them in a bad light.

billie said...

the plasma tv man is kevin kiley who was formerly in charge at walter reed during the time when the rodents were moving in and the mold started to grow. i could be wrong but i think he may have been rerelieved of duty also. of course the soldiers are a means to an end- the neo cons have proven time and again that they have no regard for life- human, animal or any other. they start needless wars, discriminate against fellow humans based on sexual orientation, race, religion, gender, etc., and are public about being white supremacists- ala their mouthpieces at fox news and the other talking heads like coulter, hannity and limbaugh. these people have to be stopped for the good of humanity period. it isn't just an american issue anymore. good post.

Enemy of the Republic said...

This has been both known and predicted for about 3 years when George Bush in his infinite wisdom cut benefits to the VA. Iraqi soldiers who return are resorting to suicide because they have to wait months for an appointment with a counselor over PTSD, something they have to work the courage up to admit. That alone is shameful. VA hospitals have never been great places to begin with, but we don't want to spend money on our returning vets, just those who can protect the oil fields. I am glad that Robert Gates did his job and fired some people. But now he and Congress need to get more money for our vets and give it to the proper place. And despite all the election rhetoric, we are dealing with a Congress that voted for the war and refuse to send their own kids to fight, minus one House of Rep dude. I am so glad this issue finally got exposed, but vets who saw the cuts, knew it was coming. Screw this fucking war.

pissed off patricia said...

There is a story at Raw Story that tells the reader that indeed someone did know about this but didn't speak up because they didn't want to "give the army a black eye during a time of war".

This whole thing is a national disgrace.

X. Dell said...

As Enemy has pointed out, the cuts in VA benefits demonstrated an overall lack of concern for those sent ito harm's way to carry out truly flawed war policies and strategies. Sometimes I wonder if these actions (or inactions) are really caused by myopic budget cutting, or if they represent punative measures. After all, over the last forty years, veterans were some of the most vociferous critics against war.

Helene said...

you are so wise for such a young guy! I loved you comment on Enemys blog the other day about sex. Now I read this on war... perhaps there is a post on religion... then you would have hit all the taboo subjects! lol

The problem is that I do think that the administration was probably unaware of the situation, BUT I dont think that makes it right. It means that they are too big and unruly to be running an operation like this if they cant stay on top of their own people. I think government needs to get out of business and do what it is supposed to do... govern. Thank goodness someone finally broke the story and it will get fixed... for the time being at least!

Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

"Government should get out of business and govern."

Walter Reed had been privatized. Haliburton... again.

Google: walter reed, privatized

Business should get out of basic human necessities.

Say no to privatization.


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