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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


It was stated on the Colbert Report that Captain America was assassinated as a direct result of the events of Marvel Universe's Civil War. I already knew about this, seeing that I am a huge Superhero fan. Captain America's death leads into my point very well. He was a rebel against the U.S. government standing up for what he thought was right. I believe that complacence is a form of treason. After 9/11 the masses fears were manipulated to get certain agendas across. I often hear statements that are along the lines of if you don't support the war, you're unpatriotic, or if you challenge the President you'rt unpatirotic. So I get the feeling that if you dislike the choices of the administration you are supposed to remain silent. I cannot do that. If I see this nation going in a direction that contridicts the principals of our foundation. I don't care about religious principals, or majority opposition. It is about what is right. Capt. America felt that the govn't forcing superheroes to register their secret identies was over stepping thier bounds. So Captain America, created by America, WWII veteran, and basically a superpowered mascot for America, stood up against the U.S govn't because they were wrong. So he loved his country so much he was willing to fight it in order to preserve it's integrity. What happened to us? We used to stand against injustice. American Revolution, Abolition movement, ERA movement, Civil right movement. Now look at us silent, and complacent. The defintion of liberty is the freedom to do as you please as long as it does not encroach on the freedom of another. Captain America stood up for what was right, he was a true american even though he was fictional. We need more real people like him.

Steve Rogers aka Captain America


X. Dell said...

Like Edward Abbey said, "A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government."

There was an interesting report on the death of Captain America by the NPR show On the Media. The writer in charge of the death scene, Ed Brubaker, had this to say on the relevance of Captain America.

"You know, I always saw Captain America as being much more of a character like Thomas Jefferson or Thomas Paine, someone who really thought about what America was supposed to be as opposed to what America is."

I don't suppose that Brubaker and Marvel are in some ways mourning the death of American idealism in this plotline, do you?

Enemy of the Republic said...

America itself often sees itself in superhero terms and it becomes a rude awakening when they discover that some countries would prefer not to be rescued by us.

DirkStar said...

I never really trusted Captain America. I mean, he was a little too chummy with his underage sidekick, Bucky.

Older men who spend so much time in the company of young boys worry me.

pissed off patricia said...

Never read any of the comix, but I sure do like Capt America's styly.

Having began two wars so close after 9-11, Americans were put in a tight spot. If you disagreed with the war it was suggested you were not against the attackers of 9-11. It's taken a long time for that foolishness to be calmed down. I see some hope in the results of the Nov elections. People said they had had enough. We can only hope that attitude continues.

DirkStar said...

I'm conducting an important readers poll, can you spare a minute?

billie said...

i find it ironic that the 'leaders' in washington had to take an oath to defend america and the constitution against terrorists- foreign and domestic. puts 'you're either for us or against us' in a whole different light.

Muhd Imran said...

Never thought that Captain America was more than just a comic superhero.

Yes, we need the likes of Captain America everywhere in the world too.

You have made a good and valid point.

Mustafa Şenalp said...

trkey /kayseri

DirkStar said...

I couldn't vote in the survey because I could not find a box for "none of the above."

Idealism is always dangerous. it blinds us to reality which in turn prevents us from taking correct action.

Pragmatism is the true American way.

We've been a people who take action for a long time. Too many countries in the world today are being guided by the mystical utterances of so called spiritual leaders in charge of corrupt religious theocracies.

Jihad is a word used by patriots.

Patriots are extremists and a danger to democratic societies.

Patriots are those who have given up independent thought and reason and replaced it with blind adherence to the propaganda of the state.

The Arab countries are filled with patriots.

Unfortunately, right now our country is guided by them.