I have a dislike of President Bush politically, I don't know him personally. He may be a little self-rightious and arrogant, but again I don't know him personally. On the Other hand Vice President Cheney I don't like personally. I don't know him personally either, but an interview he did with Wolf Blitzer showed me what type of person he really is. He was asked legitimate questions by Blitzer, Yet he felt it was okay to avoid almost every question that was thrown at him. Vice President Cheney has a history of putting himself above the people. My post "Honesty & Incident" talks about when he shot the man in the face. The Vice President claims that he doesn't have to answer to anyone for any reason. That is a dangerous opinion for a public official to have, especially the Vice President of the United States. This man is a major influence on President Bush. I don't think President Bush would have the become the arrogant self-rightous man that he is now if it were not for the influence and support of Vice President Cheney. I don't have much to say just a warning public officials who will not submit to the will of the people and feel superior to the public are the people who start to transform the govn't into one where rights are only what the people in charge think that we the people are worthy of. One man comes to mind when I think of Vice President Cheney's opinion of himself and how govn't sh
ould work.
I agree with Cheney on this. Family is off limits for the media. The Clinton kid was left out of the media, as it should be.
As for the comment that you are talking about, I would like to know the context of that comment. If it is in the same context as you say, then you are right. But if he was talking about the shooting incident, I am unsure if it should be in public light.
But all officials should have to explain their actions, if it effects the public. Otherwise, for the most part, I think their personal lives should be kept personal.
OT: Thank you SOOOOO much for sending Kara hugs!
This is a man who told a Congressman to "get fucked" on an open microphone during a session of congress.
That told me more than I needed to know about that terrorist.
sounds like some like to have their ears tickled and b's'ed to me and as soon as they are replaced it's only going to get worst and the lies will just smuge everyone who has the inclination to find fault with these 2 men.. oh well thats all i care to say about's all to corrupt and if you think these 2 are bad news.. oh my gosh.. this is nothing compared to the big picture of things to come...
i meant the word smoooge not smuge. thanks for all your nice comments on my blog..thanks tim i like how you spoke your mind and not so quick to bash em.. i appreciate that..
You are absolutely right.
Generally speaking, I would be comfortable if an elected public official took the effort to answer legitimate questions the people are asking. That is his duty to answer or find answers for it.
At that level, he should be very competent at what he is doing for the sake of the people; a higher calibre than an ordinary man on the street, as he has a hand to lead the country... not brush aside in guise of anger or defence.
Neither the republican nor democratic party can be trusted. They all are liars; answering to special intrest groups and lobbyist. You should stop by my blog and really take a listen to "The Ballot or the Bullet." What Amerikka needs is a third party, and a public that does not prescribe to the propaganda these two institutions, (Republicans and Democrats) push down our throat. As a wise man told me once, "Always ask questions."
Ah, OK C-dell, yes you might be right, his actions might be interpreted that way. But then, he is not alone, as both parties are fingering us.
This is one of the many reasons why we need a true third party.
Thanks for the clarification.
Ah, OK C-dell, yes you might be right, his actions might be interpreted that way. But then, he is not alone, as both parties are fingering us.
This is one of the many reasons why we need a true third party.
Thanks for the clarification.
I think as usual, you nailed it. Mr Pop has said since day one of this adminitration that cheney was our biggest problem. His attitude is not one you often find in elected officials and that is frightening. I don't know what bush would have been like without cheney, but it couldn't have been any worse.
When someone in this country can shoot another person and not have to speak with the authorities until the next day at their convenience, something is terribly wrong. That day he proved he really is above the law. How did that happen?
Of the two, Cheney is definitely the worse. Don't get me started.
Okay, I will say one: in the 60s he got 4 draft deferments by deliberately staying in college, yet he supported the Vietnam war. He was quoted as saying: I think the Vietnam war is right. I just don't want to fight it. This can be found in They Marched Into Sunlight.
And that is only the beginning of my loathing for that guy.
Interesting that you juxtapose Chaney's face with Stalin's. In his book Blinded By the Right former neocon media hitman David Brock wrote about how the radical right wing of US politics actively copied the tactics of Soviet-style totalitarianism. Indeed, the only time I could stand to listen to Rush Limbaugh for more than five minutes without getting a headache was on an episode of his radio show where he began a very coherent and accurate (surprise, surprise--accuracy isn't usually his strong suit) discussion of Gramscian political dialectic.
Antonio Gramsci was a 20th-century Italian political theorist (communist) who died young and in prison once the Fascist party took over, and pretty much outlawed leftist political dissent. Limbaugh correctly understood Gramsci's model of power. Of course, Rush's arguments were more of the line of this is how we tke power, as opposed to Gramsci's which said let's keep power from concentrating into the hands of a few.
In short, the right has learned much of its methods from Communism--and not the good kind, either. Rather they modelled their approach after Stalin.
On a lighter note....
I have a family member who knows W. He tells me that he's a very likable guy. Were I to meet W., I'd probably fall in love with the guy just like everyone else falls in love with the guy. But I don't think I could ever love an individual more than my country, my society or my community.
Well said! I totally agree. Cheney always seems to have this superior attitude about himself..and I'm sorry but that "sneer" says a lot..he's always got that arrogant "sneer" on his face with his lip curled up like he is just so p'od or something. I normally don't say personal things like that about people I don't know but his sneer really bothers can tell a lot about a person from their facial expressions.
I always get this feeling that the only time Cheney believes in true when it comes to himself. He has his rights to do and say whatever he pleases (whether right or wrong) and get's away with it(no apologies)but as far as he's concerned no one else does...because he is always right (even if wrong)and everyone else is always wrong(even if right)now that's scary! He doesn't seem to be a very humble man does he?..:(
I think Cheney has rubbed off on GWB through the years for sure. Kind of like this big brother or father type figure...and he has not been a good influence!
I consider Cheney to be a very dangerous man, because he always gets away with just about anything. Makes me worry about the free press and how they are not very aggressive and don't really follow all the way through on Cheney "issues" much at all..what kind of hold does he have on the press? Makes me wonder.
Cheney comes off publicly as though he can do no wrong and is above the law. He needs to be put in his place.
Comment on your first line, c-dell (good post, by the way):
Isn't being self-righteous and arrogant a pre-requisite for getting all the way to the white house? It's my pitiful opinion that in order to get that far in politics, a person has to "sell out", has to have an over-inflated self-esteem and has to compromise values they held at one time in their life.
It the system.
You got it, Cd. The man is Global, privatized, above us. That is the state of the union. The union is just a state to the globalist cabal. I must write on this now.
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