"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men. For the record: prejudices can kill, and suspicion can destroy, and the thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own, for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is... that these things cannot be confined... to The Twilight Zone."
Rod Sterling
This week I watching TV I came across a little preview of a show called God's Warriors it is about how the three major religions ,Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, and politics affect each other in the world. Commercial was about Battle cry lead by Ron Luce, and there campaign to bring back morals into the American culture (http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2007/08/15/gods.warriors.battle.cry.cnn). Ron Luce wants to take back this country from the virtue terrorist of American society. Luce has a strong opposition to Homosexuality and abortion, it seems that he and his followers want to stamp out anything that they don't like. I have talked about this plenty of time here at my blog. I don't understand why they must have it only there way and no other way whats so ever. They want a Christian nation, but this isn't one, yet I doubt that they actually understand what they are attempting to make. I think that Ron Luce and people like him and a stain on American culture, not for their beliefs, but for the way they try to destroy all other aspects of American culture that they don't like. While it is true that I don't like these people I fully respect their right to express themselves, but I doubt they fully understand what they are doing to American youth.On the complete opposite spectrum of Christian americans is Greg Boyd. Greg Boyd says "you can no more have a christian bicylce than you can have a christian nation. It just doesn't work that way(http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2007/gods.warriors/ look under christianity and Video Diary). Boyd is against the polarization of American culture. He wants people that have different political views to have them, but still be able to come together as people. This is exactly want I want I think that we can have our own personal and political views, and still be friendly to one another. This is what Greg Boyd preaches. He thinks that Religion and government are too fused together in this nation. In 2004 Boyd refused attemps from other various leades to tell their followers how to vote. I wish that there were more relgious leaders like Greg Boyd, because if there were we would be much better off in my view. Boyd's view is the way I view faith. I encourage that you watch this show on CNN called God's warriors it airs Tuesday through Thursday at 9 pm easter time. Each day they will chronicle stories such as this from each of the major religions. Tues-Judaism, Weds-Islam, Thurs-Christianity. This show proves another of my points. I do not want anyone to think I am just focusing in on christians. I oppose any religion that trys to enforce there ways on the entire world or a particuar culture. It is that in this nation it is mostly Christians doing this. I really hope that you all will watch this show I surely will. This show is very informative about the effects of extreme relgion on a modern society.
I was raised by these freako's until I was 18.
They want a Christian nation
There's where the illusion begins. They do NOT want a Christian nation, they are NOT Christians, they hijacked Christianity to use as a cover. They are religious CULTISTS!!!
I doubt that they actually understand what they are attempting to make.
My friend, if you ever believe one thing I say, believe this: They understand **exactly** what they are trying to make!!
They are trying to make a world full of religious clones of themselves, and of course, those clones will be subservient to them.
Unfortunately, what they call Christianity has little to nothing to do with Jesus. That's what gets me.
You know I call myself a Christian, but they call me a leftist, a heretic, a backslider--Jesus said that few would enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and I don't see that as the pearly gates, but the path of truth. Those folks who endorse theocracy according to their beliefs use the faith as a blueprint for their lives; they fear the unknown or anything that God has left unresolved, so they do it themselves. Very dangerous people.
rod serling of the twilight zone is from binghamton :) thought you'd be interested. you will have to write a post about the cnn special c-dell. and fyi- i do read over here- i just don't always comment :) i put you in the google reader :)
I'm not sure if I get that channel. You make it sound interesting though, so I will try to watch it if I can. But I have enough experience with "Christians" to take everything they say with a grain ...no, a bucket... of salt.
I agree that no one religion's beliefs should be favored in American government. There's much too much biased personal opinion involved in governmental decision-making.
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