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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Lies, D Lies, and Statistics

The Title of this post is a phrase that my Statistics professor often uses. I am a History Major, and I see how history is important to the present and the future through the lessons it can teach us beyond mere facts of past events. I however never saw how most of the other subjects could claim such a thing. Professor McCaa has tought me otherwise. He taught me that often times the truth is not always the truth. People can distort statistics to make the out come appear to be what they want it to be. People can also do this with spoken facts. Rewording and synonyms and many other things can cause the truth to appear as something else. Saddam Hussain was executed for crimes against humanity. People in Iraq seem to be happy about this fact. Professor McCaa says to always question what to are told, because it could be meant to mislead you. So Iraq is in turmoil, things in that nation are very bad. Are the people of Iraq happy about the execution of Hussain? Now the innocent hide where? Not in false loyal obedience to their aggressor, because now their enemy exsist on the fringe of society, and are more than one group. Everyone is a possible victim. Bombs explode in everyday places. they are safe nowhere. On the otherhand, before the smallest thing could be seen as trechery, and could be punished by death. They had to be careful with their actions living nervously on the edge. So when were the Iraqis better off? I am not giving my opinion on which situation was best. Just saying that before we make our opinions on any subject we should look at the situation beyond the manner in which the facts are given, and looks at the facts only. So that our opinions are truely our own and not the regurgitated opinions of other people.


Muhd Imran said...

Well put. I agree with you totally.

Now, how do we get those facts, truthful facts, not reflective of someone else's truth fused to the facts being presented or made available?

Muhd Imran said...

Here's wishing you and your loved ones...


Viamarie said...


Hope you had a wonderful new year celebration. May 2007 bring you more peace, more happiness, more joy and good health.

DirkStar said...

Happy New Year good man!

DirkStar said...

Not just Happy New Year...

A litlle overdue love fer ya at me site, laddie.

You've been with me since the beginning. You deserve a link and you've got it!

I figure it is time to start the new year on the "right" foot.


kb said...

I ask myself if he only way to truly lead is through example. Saddam may have not been the glorious benefactor he portrayed himself to be, but pounding one's vision of ideal social structure home with MOAB's because one can hasn't worked out to be glorious leadership either.

History has taught me that war should only be evoked to repel a nation that has brought it beyond their borders. Like Saddam did during GWB's reign. But, I'm not boss, so we're all doomed.

kb said...

And on an other note: Yes, -his- voice could be -his- voice, you just aren't listening with the ear of: "where can I find a voice to replace that voice?" You, obviously, aren't in the 'toon biz. But, I trust, you did not miss the greater point regarding the complexity of how we should view the Race issue.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

"Learn to love numbers. You can make them dance" was advice given me back at Jurassic Park High.

Saddam's death "effect" parallels what Bush's would (Dear God, just grant ONE dream, please???) should he eat pretzels unsupervised again. Half the country mourns, the other half celebrates. Anytime you see a war steeped in Religion, the "fifty percent" rule always applies.

Anonymous said...

Before, the Iraqi people had no hope of a better life. Now, they can look forward to a time when the American's push the insurgents out of Iraq and when the civil war ends, that their contry and their lives will be "truthfully" free. That is why the iraqi's are better off now than under Saddam.

Everything in it's infancy looks bad, give it time young grasshopper!!

X. Dell said...

If you recall, early in the war there was the highly televised toppling of a Hussein statue. There were a seeming throng of Iraqis cheering on, or so it seem. Shots not cleared by the military showed very few Iraqi people indeed in that square, and they were all huddled around in such a way to make it look as though the place had been packed.

The object was clear: to make it seem as though the US invasion of Iraq had broad support within Iraq.

Mark Twain, the originator of the title of this post, knew that information can be distorted. B ut such information goes beyond statistics, these days. Nowadays, photographs lie (photoshopping), and statisticians mislead.

Anonymous said...

Good point.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! =)

pissed off patricia said...

If you want to know what a person who lives in Iraq thinks, read Riverbend's blog. She'll tell you how it feels to live in the Iraq of today.

When you read all the books that have been written about this war you get a better independant feeling and understanding about how we got where we are but no one knows where we go from here.

I don't know if it's worth losing members of your family in order to one day hopefully have a better future for one's country. I honestly don't know, but I know what I think.

At least with Saddam, the Iraqis knew his rules. Today no one seems to know what will happen next. There needs to be structure of some sort in any society.

If you would like to link to Morning Matini, I would be honored.

kansasrose said...

Happy New year c-dell...good post. Learning from historical fact really truth? I HAD to take statistics and research for my degree....what your professor said was very wise...have your studies included history of Rome?

Anonymous said...

Oooooh- you're a history major? I imagine you have read the book, "Lies My Teacher Told me" then. I'll never look at a history textbook the same way again after reading that book.

Anonymous said...

um the Iraqis like it better because of all the freedom or whatever. so there.

Like here in Las Vegas the freedom people just banned smoking. I love freedom.

Raven Calister said...

Someday Iraq will be the way Afghanistan was in the 80's, if people just stop fighting it and let us clean the place up. Now its not like people there are mad at the Americans, they're mad at each other for the names of the tribes they are from.

Infinitesimal said...

hey, if you like "Flowers for Algernon"

You should read my alltime favorite book:

The Minds of Billy Milligan

it's by the same author

just came over to see if you were not some alter-ego of X-dell... i am not convinced that you are not.

Anonymous said...

First hope you had a great New Year night.
Secondly, he is right question everything, even what you believe to be the truth.
As my sister, who is a PHD in Political Science says, "there are always three truths. The truth of the victor, the truth of the loser, and the real truth."
The problem is finding the truth. I question everything including what my Professors say and teach. Some have a right slant some a left slant, me all I want is the way to find the truth.
I will admit there are times when I just say to hell with it, but we all need to seek the truth and then deal with it.
But who determines what the real truth is? We do.
Take care C-Dell Great post

DirkStar said...


Dirk_Star won another award?

Oh, he is just so wonderful!



Raven Calister said...

What did you not expect to hear? My views on religion or that I support gay marriage?

X. Dell said...

Infinitesimal, I can assure you that New York City is a long way from Louisiana.

Machiavelli said...

Well said...very well said.