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Monday, January 22, 2007


Today is the 34th anniversary of Roe vs. wade. Roe vs Wade is the landmark judicial ruling regarding privacy and abortion. I am a proud liberal. I believe that the govn't has no right to intrude in the lives of it's citizens, and decide what is right when it comes to things cause no harm to others. I personally believe that abortion is a sad thing. a young being, whether alive or not, that never gets the chance to experience life. There is always adoption. I also feel that I have no right to tell someone what to do on matters that are none of my business. I may not like abortion, but I do support a person's right to choose. This is America supposedly the land of freedom. How can this be true when we constantly try to force people to conform to the thinking ways of others? I see this movement to outlaw abortion as a religious movement. The religious wing of America feels self righteous, but no one has the right to force religious doctrine on others. In my opinion they hide behind various reasons to cover up this fact. Abortion really hurts no one. The spiritual side that some people claim I cannot comment on, because I don't know. I do know that religion has no place in govn't. I wonder why what another person does concerns the people who oppose abortion. I know that abortions happen quite frequently and I can sleep an night with this fact. The abortions don't affect me. The only time an abortion matters to me is if it is my child, but that is a personal matter between the mother and I and if we want an abortion who is the govn't to tell us that we can't. The govn't is peace keeping force not a moral force. The govn't is a servant of the people not the other way around. They have no say in my affairs or yours.


Anonymous said...

This is one post that I agree with one hundred percent. This is between two people and their families and not the government.
The only time that the government can say anything, is if they are funding in whole or part, that facility.
Great post

Anonymous said...

right! The Govt has no right to interfere in our personal matters!
although i too don't like abortion, I believe its all upto the person to decide whether she would like it.

Peace & Love

field negro said...

Great post and nice site! Thanks for the link, and your kind words over at my site.


The Future Was Yesterday said...

You wrote well, about a passionate subject for many. While our Gov't doesn't have any business in our business, reality is this: They have made our business their business! Now the real problem is, how do we get them out of our business?

Anonymous said...

Most people are pro-choice, but don't think they are- as in, many people that label themselves pro-life still think abortion should be legal in incest, rape and life of the mother cases. By strict definition, they are really pro-choice, then! So I don't put too much weight in polls that claim where people's political views are, because most people are in the dark about what certain terms mean.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. My campaign works on reproductive health awareness in the sense of it being a church-state separation & religious liberty issue.
check it out:

Click on the Green Reproductive Health circle to read more on that topic. And sign the petition!

Sornie said...

Well stated. Everyone has their own views but it isn't necessary to force one's views on others. This is the very problem with politics in America today and the religious zealots who speak for far too many.

Behind Blue Eyes said...

I'm not sure what I think. I work in a neonatal intensive care unit. There are babies born at 24 weeks. They are alive...they have arms, legs, toes, fingers, faces...they look just like another baby, but very small and they need life suport to live. I suppose that to me the distinction would be....when does the embryo become a human being. To me, these babies are people...whether they need life-support or not. No-one has ever been able to agree on when an embryo becomes a human being. But at the point that it becomes a human being...whenever that it...then at that point it is murder and is the governments business. If I were the ruler of the universe, I wouldn't outlaw it....but there would definitely be no late-term abortions.

Enemy of the Republic said...

I have always opposed abortion, but after all these years of Bush, I am turning to the pro-choice camp, not because I want abortion as an alternative, but I distrust government and their intentions toward the populace, especially women. I may be a Christian, but I am not stupid enough to believe that everybody has to be one or else. There are many paths to truth. Equally so, there are many ways that we can reconcile unwanted pregnancy or the road to it without involving the govenment.
Bush and his people would have us as puppets to one moral law. That is wrong. So yes, I agree with you.

By the way, the post is up.

Tom Bailey said...

I do not see who supports a ban on abortion. I do not see religious people wanting a ban.

The religious people I know want the right to choose.... But they also want to choose other freedoms like bearing arms which does not seem popular with liberals.

pissed off patricia said...

Excellent post! Very fairly stated and very sincere.

msliberty said...

Thank you for posting on this very important issue. My local NOW chapter had an excellent vigil at which the president of the Stonewall Democrats also spoke. It was a beautiful feeling, standing in the crowd, surrounded by MEN who feel passionately about the protection of woman's reproductive rights. :)

DirkStar said...

Most important is a woman's right to self determination.

As long as any part of her body or its contents is considered property of another a woman lives in subjugation.

It does not matter what any institution, whether it be church, state or husband believes a woman should do with her body or its contents, a woman simply must have the right to determine for herself what will or will not be done with her being.

As long as external agents decide what a woman may or may not do with her body or its contents she is a second class citizen. She is property.

As long as any individual or institution decides for another what they may or may not do based only upon external reasoning self determination is a myth.

Yes, the decision of an individual woman may not always please us as a society. There will always be times when the government, the church or even a loving partner may experience grief over a woman’s choice to keep or to abort the fetus growing in her womb.

That is the nature of life; it brings disappointment as well as joy. The woman simply must have a choice. As a society, we have no right to force women into the long term commitment of having a child.

In order for there to be true freedom for the woman as well as the men of our nation, a woman must have the same control of her body as a man has over his.

I support not just the court decision in Roe vs. Wade but the right of all women to live in a God given state of equality and freedom. Even if their decisions sometimes break my heart.

DirkStar said...

Good man. You are mistaken...

I've studied the religions of the world in college. The Koran is not the book you think it is.

The Koran was never a book inspired by a diety.

The Koran is not God breathed as the Bible is believed to be.

It is the process by which the Koran was put together that ponts to a divinity being behind it.

The Koran was designed to unite a divided Persian empire into a unified military force.

Ask any historian about the Koran...

All the Koran did was to instruct field commanders on how to organize and maintain a fighting force around a monotheistic ideal.

Helene said...

well said! I totally can see why people are prolife... I am pro life too AND fully understand that having an abortion is taking a life... but I value the right of a woman to choose what to do with her body and her life over taking the life of the unborn child. I think, at the end of the day, that that is what we are talking about.

great post...