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Monday, January 08, 2007

Question of the Day

We live in a world that is full of a variety of people. Cultures, and customs differ over a wide area. So if cultures and customs are different, then so must definitions. If definitions are different, then the measure of a man is inherintly unique to all the people of the world. This causes much strife and confusion amongs the people of the world about what makes a good person and a bad person. Often these two defintions get lost in translation. Our own definitions can not solely define these term.

Question: Can a person be completely evil or completely good?

Please post your opinions.


The Future Was Yesterday said...

Your post answered the question.:)

msliberty said...

I believe that there is at least a little bit of good in everyone. In some, it is a VERY small quantity.

Anonymous said...

If you assume a relativist position there is no fundamental truth. While, I'm still not sure what I believe, I expect for those who believe in a fundamental versus relative truth, pure evil or pure goodness could exist. In real life though, I think most people are too complex to be pure anything.

Lady Prism said...

there is a little bit of everything in everyone..

but...wait..lemme' think...hmmm..

I think people mostly have a choice on being good or's the decisions that people generally make that build their goodness or badness...which ultimately leads to a life of joy or sorrow...

hello there..I enjoyed reading your posts!

Pink Icing said...

I think to allow species to cohabit we require an infrastructure and for that we require guidlines. These guidelines define us. My personal views can differ with the majority and as the majority can overpower my freedom I sometimes fall silent.
To some I may be evil, to others I may be santuary, depending on what side of that pretty picket fence one is.
Great pictures of your Christmas by the way. DOn't have much opportunity to access cyberspace at the moment so visits a tad sporadic.

Tom Bailey said...

This is an interesting question but definitions of good and bad are challenging to estabilish to even consider the next part of the question.

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to find an answer for this one from a really long easily most of us tend to classify people as good and bad....but wen we ponder a little deeper....humans are born under a single identity with only two classification- female & male...that is universal....looks like I'm still unable to find the answer :)

DirkStar said...


According to Taoism, which is my chosen path, nothing exists in a pure state.

Yes, I’m running a bit late today.

I spent the better part of this morning dressed in sackcloth, my face covered in ashes as I beat myself about the head and shoulders with reeds in mourning for the Buckeyes...

I’m better now that the doctors have given me the shot.

Scarlet said...

Goodness and badness is everyones perspective... something good to you may be bad to other.. so I guess everyone is a lil bit of both..Noone is completely bad or completely good so to say

Sornie said...

The percentage of people who are either pure good or pure evil is so minute that they alone will make no difference in the world, the difference will be made by those who follow the few; on the evil side that is what we must watch out for.

Unknown said...

I think most people are both good and bad, because we all have the same range of feelings. However, I will always view pedophiles, serial killers, and others without a concience as evil. Of course those who live in an alternate universe where everything is undefined will have a real hard time with this question.

Enemy of the Republic said...

You are asking a tough one. I don't believe anyone can be completely good. But I have a hard time applying the converse--someone who is totally evil. Yet, I think they exist. It's the banality of evil; it's not what we call evil but what it really is. Example: There are sociopaths who kill and maim no one, but couldn't give a royal damn about anyone but themselves. Everything is about them and for them. They cannot give love. Now are they evil or just fucked up? I haven't even gotten to demon possession yet!

Behind Blue Eyes said...

I don't have an answer to your question, but something to ponder is the fact that there are things that are taboo in every culture. One of those things is incest. Maybe an answer could be found by looking at similarities instead of differences. I personally believe that most people who do vile things have had traumatic things of some sort happen to them. I'm not saying that it gives them an excuse, but it is a phenomena.

Judy said...

I think so. Or, rather, I think that the extent of the evil in some people negates whatever "good" they might also do, making it possible for someone to be completely "evil".

On the other hand, I rather doubt that the Dali Lama has ever done anything he should be ashamed of. (Well, maybe he has...)

It seems harder to be completely good than to be completely evil.

Interesting question. I am one frustrated by the current trend (at least the trend set by many) to see things in black or white, dismissing the possibility of shades of gray. It seems to me that there are few absolute answers, so my answer to you surprises me.

Judy said...

I can't seem to find the community bulletin board, so (I hope you don't mind) I'm posting this here:





Elizabeth and Sigmund have agreed to come, Raymond will be there, and Bambi, Flower, and Thumper Jr. have all said they would make an appearance, so please come to meet them in person. Wiley will provide song.

Hope to see you all then!

Pink Icing said...

Interestingly in today's society we nearly all view pedophiles (or paedophiles in UK) as evil. Lets just remember that in many ancient civilisations, Egyptian included, sex with children was a natural act.
Again it is all our group perceptions I feel.
What I was really curious about is why you posed the question right now??

Tom Bailey said...

The cultural aspect complicates this issue even more. But I also wanted to know what led to the question as well.

Undeniable Liberal said...

No, neither. And everything ms liberty said.

Muhd Imran said...

I believe there is good and evil in everyone in differing degrees between the two.

The differing degrees define the person as he or she chooses what her or she wants to be or let himself or herself be.

I don't believe one person can be totally good or totally evil.

An evil person would still treat his or her family or loved ones the best.

They choose their definitions of what is good and what is bad for them, or to their advantage and even what is convenient to them.

So yes, different cultures have different views and practises. Within that culture will have varying definitions each upholds. So imagine how unique a human being is.

DirkStar said...

Uh, how many days can question of the "day" run?

Today my answer is, thirteen...

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