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Friday, January 19, 2007


A couple of days ago Sen. Obama announced he was starting an exploratory committee for a 2008 Presidential campaign. He will announce his decision on February 10th. I know that a lot of people have criticisms. They say that he is to inexperienced to run for the office of President in 08. They also say that he is the flavor of the month and this is all just hype. That maybe true, but he has a radically new perspective to offer this nation of ours. He is open minded and open with the people. He admitted to trying drugs. He learned that it wasn't for him. He was honest. Isn't that commendable? I myself think that it is commendable. This nation needs someone who will lead it in a new direction. The 110th congress is a start. many people are already criticising it. I want to give it more time. Till at least June 07. If the new congress is successful in making some changes, and add that to an new type of President. We may be able to make good changes, and Redeem ourselves not only to our self, but to the international community. I don't know if Sen. Obama is the man to do this. I personally think he has a good chance of being that man. I look up to Sen. Obama. I not afraid to admit that. So if on February 10th Sen. Obama states his intent to run for the office of President of the United States of America, Views of the Silent Majority will give it's support and endorsement to his campaign. As of now no one is officially endorsed by Views of the Silent Majority. I look forward to hearing who other blogs are endorsing.


Sornie said...

If the lack of progress in Iraq continues with the pigheadedness from inside the White House and their total disregard for what the public wants and thinks, the 2008 election is the dems' to lose. While Obama probably doesn't have what it takes to win the nomination in 2008 quite yet, another 8 years of grooming as V.P. should suit him nicely and then, if things were run better than under Bush (how could they not be) he'd be a shoe-in at that point.

pissed off patricia said...

If he can't make it on his own, I hope someone looks at him for a veep position. That way he can get experience and be next in line in four or eight years. There isn't a thing about him that I don't like.

I have to laugh when experience is brought up because look how much experience bush had in 2000. I don't think he had ever been out of the US at that point. Plus being the gov of Texas is more of a title than anything else. Let's see an Obama IQ against a bush IQ.

Robert E. Morgan, Jr. said...

The world revolves and history repeats itself. Think of the voting rights. White men, women then black. It will go the same in the presidential race, white men, women, blacks. Obama will have to wait until Hillary is through. Thats just how I see it on the big porch.

Enemy of the Republic said...

I will support him, hands down. I think he'd be great. Whether he wins or not, he is actually someone I can vote for and feel good about.

(sorry, I misread your comment--apologized on the blog--just tired.)

msliberty said...

Wow! I really like what Brian and POP have said on Obama. I tend to agree with them.

Also, I think it's very important for us to begin these conversations now! We have a lot of questions to ask and a lot of talking to do before we select a candidate.

Muhd Imran said...

Hopefully a sensible and more humane leader will emerge.

As a superpower country and a big-brother role it has appointed itself, whatever is happening in the US will have a ripple effect on the rest of the world... the good and the bad.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Barack Obama is the first political breath of fresh air I've had since JFK, and I honestly believe the man will end up in that class or higher.

My concern is he may get so "brutalized" by the stone age he has to run against this time, that all his successes and qualities might get lost in the fracas. I would LOVE to see him replace Howard Dean, pull the party together, give it some leadership...then take us down the yellow brick road to "heaven."

And I just rejected a comment of yours from my blog by mistake!! I'm very, very sorry! I assure you, it was old age and inattention, not the comment!!!! If you'll repost, I'll be sure it gets posted. And thanks for your help on that other matter. I'm grateful. I removed mine because they added nothing to your blog. Again, I deeply appreciate what you did for me!

Anonymous said...

It is too early to tell what he will bring to the party. After all he has done nothing yet and has no past history for anyone to judge him on.
As for redeeming, who needs to redeem themselves? This country does not need to bend over for others to like it. It is not in our best interest to go around trying to make everyone love us. To do so, would be the end of the USA.
As always good post.

Anonymous said...

You maybe right. I heard he used to be a Muslim but reverted back if so could cause problems for him in the future. Hilary Clinton who was whole-heartedly for the war in Iraq seems to back peddling furiously now, I wonder why. Pulling out of Iraq would be a disaster for the region, in my humble opinion, causing a vacuum which would suck in every meddling Islamic madman around and making the Arab Israeli conflict look like a puppy dog walk. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.

X. Dell said...

Well, people keep comparing Obama to JFK. His experience will be comensurate with Kennedy's by 2008.

Perhaps he might want to avoid Dallas.

Sornie said...

How about the addition of Clinton or my new fave pairing of Edwards with Obama as VP?

Chuck said...

I don't think it's Obama's time yet. I do appreciate your opinion, though. We can't all agree on everything. ;)

Raven Calister said...

What do you think about Hilary? She's officially in the race! I for one wanted to see Condoleeza Rice run republican and Hilary democrat because I wanted to see the two of them on Celebrity Boxing, but alas I guess it was not meant to be :`(

Professor Zero said...

I am actually afraid of the Condi vs Hillary contest - both were for the war.

My favorite possible candidate is Kucinich, and that is based on his voting record, but I do not think he has any chance of making it, he's too lefty and too geeky.

Obama, on the other hand, has broader appeal and that star quality it takes to make it on the presidential trail ... and he'd be significantly better than most other possibilities, so I'd be all for him.

I think he has both JFK-ness and Dukakis-ness about him, and like them he is more of a centrist than I, but then most people are. I've also thought of Edwards/Obama, although my recommendation would actually be Obama/Edwards (but of course they won't do that).