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Friday, September 08, 2006


Yestereday I started college. This is something millions have done before me, and millions will do after me. Not all people finish college. I hope I won't be one of those. I believe in education, I beleive that those who are educated can be a positve influence on the world. I also believe that the more people who are educated in the world the better off the world is as a whole. Humanity can be great, greater than what it is if we put more emphasis on educating the world. I am doing my part to help not only myself, but the world. It is difficult at times. No one is here to help me I do it all on my own. In the end I think it is worth it on a grand scale.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on going to college. I hope you do well and you will if you keep up with your studies, hang around with the smart ones, and take a digital voice recorder with you to help you take notes.
The biggest problem people face is the note taking and keeping up with the work. Remember in college they tell you once about homework, projects, etc.. you need to follow the syllabus and you will be all right.
I just finished up in May with an A.S and I am 41 years old; I hope to continue on to get my Masters.
Congrats and if you need help, ask.


Anonymous said...

C-dell what will be your major? I take it this is your freshman year?
Like I said, I used to tutor and still do so if you need help and I can provide it we will work something out.

Karen said...

C-dell what will be your major? I take it this is your freshman year? Like I said, I used to tutor and still do so if you need help and I can provide it we will work something out. Tim