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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Truth editing

The current administration will do anything to keep power. I read somewhere that a new report is being held from the public. Rep. Jane Harman has asked for its release. She claims that it show a horrible image of the Iraq war. The report will not be released until January. Which is conveniently after mid-term elections. It is obvious to me that the Bush Administration uses 9/11, Terrorism, and The Iraq war to win elections. They have played that card out. People continue to fall for it. The officials claim that the report was first drafted in august and needs more revisions until it is ready for release. I think that they are only using that as an excuse to wait till after Mid-term elections. They know that if they release it now it may show the American people that the Iraq war was a terrible mistake, and that the mistake is not only costing Americans, but also being mismanaged. America need to wake up and see that it is being played by the Bush administration. Americans have been duped into believing that if they go against the current establishment then they are un-American. That can't be farther from the truth. Speak out, that is what the colonist did when the British mistreated them. We have the Bill of rights. Each American citizen has the right to speak up and say "hey this isn't right" and demand some change. I want to know what that report says. Maybe when the truth is revealed we may get to see some changes come November 2008. Maybe not, perhaps the people will contiue to be trick in to voting a certain way by threats and fear mongering.


Robert E. Morgan, Jr. said...

"Freedom of speech, just watch what you say," is the new bill of rights.

Anonymous said...

I think both parties are using the 9/11 and both wars to advance their political life.
Both parties are using and releasing specific reports to their advantage; the Democrats use only a portion of a leaked top secret report that they had in August, to demonize Republicans, the Republicans counter with almost all of the report, which pretty much is useless anyway to either side.
This is the problem with a two party system, both parties are almost the same. The only difference is homeland security; one party wants open borders and the other wants to pass new laws to secure our borders. Neither one is correct in my opinion.
We need to kick all those in power out and get fresh new blood in there.
I know I went off topic a little, sorry.
Take care

kb said...

Will "the people" ever wise up to politics? Every apathetic writer speaking their dispassionate mind gives me less hope.