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Friday, November 10, 2006


The Mid-term elections ushered in sweeping changes for America, not all of it a direct result of the Mid-term elections. First of all the Democrates took not only the house, but the Senate as well. That itself is a major change for six year this nation was run by conservatives. This political coup by the Democrates makes me happy, because of the change it will bring. Even though I oppose Republicans I was willing to give them a chance. I am registered as a Democrate, but I do not like labels Democrate or Republican. My view on politics is what ever is best for this nation, so if it be Republicans or democrates that doesn't matter to me. A label that does better suit me is a liberal. I am absolutely not a conservative, and as longs as Republicans keep up this super-conservative attitude of theirs I feel I will continue to oppose them for the most part. The second thing that happened was Sec. Donald Rumsfeld (Rummy) stepped down. This is a huge thing, Rumsfeld manages the Iraq War. We will have new blood in charge. Rumsfeld, in my opinion, is a person who refuses to acknowledge wrong doing and that frustrates me. Now that Rumsfeld is out we may veer in a little bit of a new direction. Last is that Sen. Lieberman was reelected. I would like to admit that I was wrong the people did want him back and perhaps he knows more about his constituents than I do. I still think its was childish for him to run as an Independent after he lost the primary, but my ideas about what they wanted were misguided. So the U.S. is entering a new political environment, hopefully it will be a better one.


sarahlulu said...

How did you find my blog?

Anonymous said...

C-Dell: Interesting post.
About Senator Lieberman: Remember he was hijacked from his position by the "liberals" in charge and not by the people during the CT primary. Most people in this country; whether democrat or republican, do not share the "far-left liberal" views that his opponent does or for that matter the views of the new House Speaker N. Pelosi.

In fairness what he did was correct. He was lambasted by his democrat party because he stood up to what he believed to be the right thing to do. He is an individual, he has his own thoughts, and that was not accepted by the democrats, so they did everything in their power to try to get him off the ballet and out of the election. The democrats wanted to appoint someone who would stay way too the left, just like their house speaker.

Be careful about what you wish for, you may not like it when you get it. Remember the new democrat party wants no borders and are the same as in San Francisco and New York City. (Can you say Health Police?)

Lieberman is the swing vote, and as always, he will look into himself and vote what he thinks is the right thing to do, not what his party wants him to do not what the republicans want him to do. This is essential to any party, to vote what you think is right, not what the party wants or those that have their hand in your back pocket. Doing the right thing is hard enough, but to go against others and what they believe, even when you think / know they are wrong, is the hardest thing to do. To me, it shows character. Until any democrat or republican demonstrates they have it, I will not vote for them.
Good post