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Saturday, November 25, 2006


I supported the dems in the mid-term elections. I think that they can actually make some changes. I would also like to see some of thoses changes. I am a proud liberal, but that does not mean I always support the dems. They can be scutinized just as the reps can. I know the 110th congress doesn't meet until January 3, 2007. I just thought maybe some plans would be announced. One of the things I am waitingg on is a time table for Iraq. That has been on the table for sometime, the Reps didn't give us one hopefully the dems will. I also want to see other plans. I know that no actual legislation will happen now. I just want to see some plans. I may be being a tad bit impatient. I only hope that the dems don't let me down I have high hopes for the new congress. One thing that I really want to see is for that patriot act to die. I hate that thing, everything about it. The invasion of privacy angers me in ways you can't understand. The patriot act gets under my skin. I want that thing gone, hopefully the dems will get rid of it, or tone it down a lot. I would like to see some indepth reviews of some Govn't agencies. I may have too high hopes, but at the very least I would like to see some positive changes.


Anonymous said...

From far away land that revolves much around US economy to survive, it will be interesting to see how the Democrats work, their policies - internal and foreign.

Good luck! There is always hope. Some will come true, some take time and will have to work a little harder, to be realized.

Anonymous said...

The invasion of privacy angers me in ways you can't understand.
Many share your anger and disgust, I included.

I too, have hopes for the incoming congress, but they are dimming. I fear Democrats will be playing "not to lose" (in 08), and that will be their very defeat.

You have some exceptional thoughts here. Keep it up!!

Raven Calister said...

The last thing we need in Iraq is a timetable, what we need are more troops, more supplies, more armor for vehicles and more support back home. Hopefully with a new Secretary of Defense we will be able to get that. Afterall, troops in Iraq aren't going around shooting terrorists anymore, they're getting electricity running, building water treatment plants, training the Security Forces and getting harrassed by would-be "freedom fighter" terrorists in the process of trying to get the country running, which is really slowing things down. What we could use less of are politicians like Kerry breathing down the backs of people necks to just cut and run.

Also, my god a couple days in power and they want to actually reinstate the draft! Oh god I'm holding on because this looks like its going to be a bumpy ride.

Raven Calister said...

Also, the wiretaps were the reason we caught the plot to blow up that plane in the UK.

C-dell said...

Nice Blog

Pink Icing said...

Politics and getting things done aren't compatible sadly, particularly it seems in your United States.

But there is hope, hope when the Average Joe wants change. That will effect movement.

The Powers That Be will not allow radical and swift change as it will not benefit them.

If you leave Iraq now, what happens? What happens to the people there and what will happen to the worldwide position of the USA?

Anyway that aside I have one question: Why if America is so passionate about the President, the flag, the country, their rights, why did less than half the population vote at the last election?

Just so as you know, I love your United States and happy and proud to be experiencing them........

Anonymous said...

I wish i knew why!
Something must be done!!
btw thanx for the comment and keep visitin for more :)

Peace & Love :)

Annie said...

I've left blogspot, but I'm still blogging. Come find me at

Anonymous said...

Sister, I feel your pain.
I enjoyed your ranting- it's good to know there are folks out there with a good head on their shoulders!

Anonymous said...

I hope so!
newayz thanx for the comment :D

Peace N Love :)

Anonymous said...

Good Blog. I agree with Nikki Jilton totally, if America looses the will to fight terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, then all is lost. Considering the Democrats that were elected were not of the Liberal left I predict only a slight change in policy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, C-Dell. Nice to meet you. You asked where I got my idea for the doll. Who knows? I have been making them for a long time. And there are similar spirit dolls all over the internet.

You seem to be politically inclined (that's a good thing). You might enjoy visiting ParisParfait. Her link is on my blog.

billie said...

the repubs are planning on being obstructionists- so let's not hold our hands on our a--es waiting for much to happen. not only that, but congress can only check the executive so far- and i don't know if this congress has the strength or the balls to do it.