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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Big Things

This year i plan on doing big things. I may have my plate a little full. The real problem is this latin class I am taking. I hold three positions on campus. I am Under secretary for UAAM, I am Treasurer for NAACP, I am Liberal Arts Senator for SGA. As an e-Board member of UAAM I can help with the formation of programs one that I plan on starting is to help make people on campus aware of the importance of voting, and politcal awarness. The treasurer wants me to help in a program to help educate people on how to get to college and prepare for the business world. We are also doing a fitness program So I will be given a physical at the beginning of the year and at the end to see how well I progressed. Lastly for UAAM we are doing a can food drive for a domestic abuse shelter in town the women come there with their families and food runs out quickly with upwards of ten families living there. My friends and I actually started the program last year it is called Save-a-Meal. As Senator for SGA I help delagate where money goes for students and help improve the student experience on campus I just started that so I don't know what all I will be doing. The e-Board for NAACP is doing things to help the Jena six situation and overall help the students on campus. All of that on top of work classes and maybe one more things I am not sure about yet.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Today I started college, I only have one class on Tuesday & Thursday. I don't start work until next week so I was just chilling out in the Student center. My friend and I were talking and we were just discussing things. Some how things drifted toward people don't what they are doing and abortion came up. I live in the south, the dixie, the bible belt so my beliefs tend to be in the minority especially if religion is involved. I voiced my opinion on how even if it is wrong you still don't have the right to deny anyone the right to choose. We were having a political discussion. Some how the discussion smoothly drifted to religion straight up and the debate we were have became a sermon. Now the man who turned it into a sermon is my friend. I met him last year him and a couple of people took me in as a friend when I knew no one. So he will always me my friend. He went through some stuff this summer and God or maybe more likely religion help him through it. I am not against religion, but it seems that when people are put though the fire what ever is there becomes there life. I feel as if I am witnessing the birth of a fundamentalist. It is very interesting to witness. However I feel about his path, the intellectual in me(not to sound over confident) is interested