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Monday, October 16, 2006

Rhyme Time

North Korea successfully tested a nuke awhile back. This has sent the world into an uproar. Japan is furious, China is midway, U.S. is in shock, Asia as a whole is about to wet itself, and the UN is threatening sanctions. I personally think that N. Korea is a huge threat to world security. I know that many nations have nuclear weapons. I feel no one should have at all, period, but they have had them for sometime now and nuclear weapons have been used only twice. That itself was two too many. N. Korea has a tyranical leader who I feel would readily use them if he feels threatened. I felt back in 2003 when they announced that they were researching Nuclear power, in hopes of making a bomb, that something should have been done. Pres. Bush was trigger happy when it came to Iraq, a possible hazard at best, but when a nation comes forward and admits it wants WMDs we talk to them. Three years passed, and here we are N. Korea has WMDs, and Iraq never did. Ironic I think. So Japan isn't allowing N. Korean ships into its ports and is ready with warships if N. Korean ships pose any threat to Japan. China is worried about rerfugees flooding in across it border, which they say will happen if too harsh sanctions are placed on the nation, but they have placed some sanctions on N. Korea. China and N. Korea are road dogs. they have a very close relationship with N. Korea, so they may not be an ally in this case. The U.S. is proposing sanctions, and wants N. Korea to return to six-party talks. Pres. Bush has also stated that the U.S. will not use military force against the nation, but will help its allies in the area with ballistic missle defense. The UN gives idle threats again. The UN needs a backbone to enforce their own rules. It has been said that history repeats itself, But a better statement is that History ryhmes. Think for a moment Rogue nation N. Korea( Nazi Germany), One nation who sees the real threat Japan(Great Britain) and the nation that agrees, but won't get involved U.S.(U.S.), the circumstantial ally China(Russia). Sounds familiar to me. Hickory dickory dock?


Robert E. Morgan, Jr. said...

what in particular make Farrakhan a bad person?, my future republican =)

Robert E. Morgan, Jr. said...

If a person has the best interest of black people in mind, that in itself, to me, is a qualifying mark to be labled a good person. Take a listen to what Farrakhan has to say. If you disregard his black militant stand, many of the beliefs that many righteous black people hold dear to their hearts stand parallel to his views.

Yuri said...

but why doesn't the US want to be really involved?

Anonymous said...

Farrakhan is a racist pig that spews hate where ever he goes. His only views are to blame the white people, not those that are responsible.

I have heard him speak and have several of his tapes. He is telling people to "kill the young children because you can't change the mind of the old" is spewing hate.
This is Farrakhan, he is a militant and that is his nature. He has never encourage anyone black or white to stay in school, get an education and do something for themselves that makes them happy. Instead all ills are blamed upon the white man.

Jackson is another that falls into this. Blackmail is their only tool for survival.

You want a hero or leader, look into yourself, because regardless of white or black, the only hero is yourself, the only good person is yourself. You make yourself what you want. Don't go looking to Hollywood, or people in politics to be a hero. Trust me, he and the rest have many skeletons in the closet.
Do yourself a favor and and be what you want, don't look for anyone else to try to help you along, because they have other reasons for doing it.

Anonymous said...

As for why the US is not involved in this North Korea thing, well we are. We talked for over eight years, gave North Korea everything they wanted, bowed to them, gave them the nuclear material, did not bitch when the IEAD was kicked out, did not complain when North Korea ripped down the video cameras, did not complain when they said back in the 1990's that they were going to make a nuclear bomb.

The talk continued into 2000, back behind the scenes. You can't really do any more embargo's on them, they are heavily embargoed anyway.

We are also in contact with China, who controls the purse strings for North Korea. China might adhere to the embargo by inspecting cargo that goes in and out, but I suspect that it will only last a few weeks, then all back to the norm.

North Korea, ("Little Kim"), is demented. This comes from having yes men all around you. He feels that the U.S is no longer a power player in the world. He feels that without the say so of the UN, we will not do anything. To some extent he is right, unless we get the go ahead from South Korea, we will never use any military force, unless "little Kim" somehow transports nuclear material to a terrorist group.

Those countries that should be worried are France and Germany. For they have already bowed to the extremist, and France is considering to have a state within a state, and Germany, has already apologized for the "opera" and has taken steps to review any and all shows as not to upset the extremest. Once these people have this weapon, if they get it, the first target would be France, for more nuclear material, then who knows where. This is where the the yellow brick roads leads.
I know it sounds foolish and ridiculous, but then no one ever thought they would use planes as bombs either.

Never underestimate people who don't care if they live or die.

kb said...

Did I miss something? How did Farrakhan figure into this?

I have no answer to how to keep nations from acquiring nuclear technology. My hope lies in the UN. Not the US. It is not our job alone to police the world. These issues affect the world, it is a world body that must come together and deal with it.

War is something that should only be engaged when one nation steps across it's bordera and brings war to another nation. At which point, all nations should band together and halt the aggression.

Ill Kim is worrisome, but I think it's all bluster. He wants standing in the world, not the annihilation of his people. He's a narcissist, not a sociopath, I hope. He needs to be brought into the fold of rational beings, if only rational beings were in charge...