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Saturday, August 26, 2006


I am writting today about Sen. Lieberman. I know this is old news, but I felt like speaking out on this. Sen. Lieberman lost the primary in his state for the democratic nomination for senator. Instead of bowing out gracefully he pitches a fit, and decides to run as an independent. Now this undermines the entire process. what was the purpose of that primary. If Sen Lieberman is going to run anyway. One of the main problems the Democratic party is having right now is lack of unity. They don't make decision together. Now, don't get me wrong I am all against voting a certain way just because everyone else is. You should vote the way you want on the issues. I am just saying that if the Democrats want to start to regain power in the mid-term elections, stunts like this will not help. The Dems need to work together, have their own personal opinions, but still stand together. If they were to work together they actually have a chance. Sen Lieberman is sending a message to his constituents that he thinks they are stupid, and cannot make their own decisons. They want to go in a differnt directon this term, and he is effectively saying no. Not only does his actions hurt the dems it hurts his image. He appears to a sore loser, a man without integrity, no honor. He lost, he should sit back and take his career in another direction. Run for another office, get ready for the next senate election, or become politically active in other ways. This is a dispicable act on his part. I often didn't agree with Sen. Lieberman on his views on the Iraq war, but I respected his for having the courage to have his own opinion and go against the stauts quo. Now I have lost a lot of respect for Sen. Lieberman.


kb said...

Lieberman has been ousted by the Dem party. His staying in as an independent will dillute the democratic vote. If the democratic vote (50% of the state in idealized numbers) is diluted, the odd an wins.

Lieberman is mot a Democrat anyway, he's an Israeli ambassador. Yeah, Israel is in the middle of deep doo-doo-ville, but we have problems here at home that push Israel back on the list.

Yes, the war against the middle class her at home requires all of our best soldiers re-focused, here, at home.

The enemy is winning... their plants are all in place... the prizes of Social Security, Medicare, and Freedom, are within their grasp. They will Privatize them all: put them all in the hands of the highest bidder, and we will answer to our "Boss" as never before.

This is Lieberman's agenda. Don't be fooled, he's shown his allegiance. He chose the other side.

Anonymous said...

kb said
"The enemy is winning... their plants are all in place... the prizes of Social Security, Medicare, and Freedom, are within their grasp. They will Privatize them all: put them all in the hands of the highest bidder, and we will answer to our "Boss" as never before."
Tim's Response
The only enemy is that of the United States is not any real political party of this once great nation. The enemy are those that will kill all that don't agree with their religion or their politics. It is this type of "hate" that is preventing us from dealing with all the issues at once. You seem to have a tendency to lump all republicans into one "right wing" conspiracy. I know you may not like this answer but you may want to double check your "facts" and expand your reading from what you agree with to something a little different. Try to read more than one blog or news paper, book, or listen to more than one radio show. Go to both sides and then try to figure out what is really going on in this world.
The other issue I have is for anyone to count on the government to solve their problems. The government is not here, was not created, and was not designed to solve, raise, or care for you. That is the responsibility of you, not the government.
When Social Security was enacted it was a tax scam. The average life span was 45, Roosevelt wanted the payout to be 65 and it was only to offset some of the increases in the cost of living, not for you to use as a retire program. Roosevelt figured that the government would never have to make a payout, and for a while he was right.
Answer this riddle: If Social Security is so great then why is it that a husband and wife will never get back what they both put into the system? If the husband dies, the wife gets a percentage of it, but not both checks. This is the peoples money, that they worked hard for, taxed on, and labored for, but the government seems to think it is the governments money.
Another item to think about is why would I give the government money and when I get it back, not only is there no interest on the money they held for 50 years, but I also have to pay double tax on it, once when they took it out and then again when they give it back.
This is your government, with the only item of the day is to see how it can screw you, take advantage of you, dumb you down and to make you believe that you, need them. Fact of the matter is that they need you.
Lieberman is a fine man, and was forced out of the DNC for not agreeing with them. This coming from a party that is the "tolerant" party, the party that condemns censorship, yet they will lie, cheat, and create news where there isn't any just to rip down a person that does not agree with them. (The DNC has proved it time after time as well as the Republican party)This sounds a lot like what has happened in the past with other European Nations, and it also sounds a lot like censorship.
Rethink you position, look at facts, try not to get emotional, and double check your spelling. This is a hard thing to do as it took me a long time to learn and I still catch myself prejudging people and other issues before I get all the facts. I will tell you that it is very hard to find non-bias facts, almost impossible to find them so you need to make a well informed decision based upon the limited facts that are there, but just remember that when the facts change, so should your stand.

Anonymous said...

kb: One more thought on this. I have been trying to figure out why people are upset at Senator Lieberman for becoming an independent when he was defeated by his own party.
His own party, not the voters; so what you are advocating as others do, is to limit the choices that the voters have when it is time to vote. This is the problem with our two party system to begin with.
DNC has complained time after time about voters being disenfranchised, yet they have no problems when it comes to limiting the choices that run against them.
Senator Lieberman, a man that I have just recently looked into, a man that I would vote for only for one reason, and that is because he does not waiver, he does not change his opinion when the wind blows a different way; OK two reasons. I may, and don't agree with about half of what he stands for, but he is by far the better choice, that is in my opinion. The voters of Connecticut will make up their own minds in November.
I will wager that the voters will reelect Senator Lieberman by at least a 60 to 65% margin.
This is how far the left has gone, way out of touch of mainstream. And when things don't go their way, they blame others, instead of taking a hard look at their actions.
I am not bashing you, I just think that Lieberman has the same right to run as you do, whether you want to run as an independent, socialist, communist, or green. You have your choice as he does and he like anyone else can change their party if they feel the party doesn't represent their own views as I believe is the case with Senator Lieberman. The more choices the better quality of candidates, maybe not what you or I want, but that is the theory.
Sorry for the length of this reply.
Take care and keep posting

Riley said...

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