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Friday, March 17, 2006

Hero or Villian

There is a new movie out that I am looking forward to seeing. The movie is V for Vendetta. At first I just wanted to see it because it looked to be a good action movie. As I looked up the movie, I learned it was much more. The movie takes place in a facist like a Britain. V (antagonist of the film) takes measures to install fear in the govn't, and at the same time arouse the public to the fact that their govn't has no right to treat them the way that they do. V takes some pretty extreme measures to achieve his goal. Here is were I get split. Some say he is a terrorist, because he uses violence to try and teach facist Britain a lesson. On the other hand he can be seen as a fredoom fighter, because he acts out against injustice on everyone's behalf. The line between the two is very fine. Too even begin to have an opinion you must first look at it from both sides. If he is a terrorist, because of his use of violence then we must also call america's founding fathers terrorist or the Texas revolutionaries terrorist. Now if we call him a freedom fighter, because he fights for what he believes in then we must also call Osama Bin Laden a freedom fighter. The line is fine and being either one is too close. I personally believe that V is a freedom fighter, because when it come down to it the real question, in my eye's at least, is whether or not the cause is just. So is V a hero or is he a villian?


Robert E. Morgan, Jr. said...

If you think you are going to enjoy this movie, then you should enjoy reading 1984, by George Orwell. I like how you think things out logically and come up with the best decision that suits your personality. Thank you for not falling victim to propaganda.

kb said...

Going to see it this weekend. You sealed the deal with your review.

It's good to see Hollywood making movies that address such issues. I hope they did the subject justice.