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Sunday, March 05, 2006


In the news lately is a teacher who went on a twenty minute rant against the U.S. & Pres. Bush. I am not a fan of Pres. Bush or his administration, but because he was down talking Bush does not mean I will defend him. That man had no right to do what he did. He is a high school teacher inflicting his personal opinions on his students, that is an abuse of his power as a teacher. If he was a college professor that would be a different story, but these are young people very impressionable some of them. The students and the teacher weren't even having a discussion he was teaching them his beliefs as fact. That is wrong whether you are a Liberal, conservative, or just somewhere in between. The teacher was very wrong I know if I had children I wouldn't want their teacher ranting on about some insane conservative belief that was his own personal opinion. A teacher once did that at the high school I attend he told us his own opinion, but stated it as a fact. That teacher was wrong I just hope that my fellow classmates can make up their own opinion. People are very one sided these day they see their side only, and that leads to abuses of power, and division among us.

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