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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Honesty & Incident

I often watch the news just to see what is going on in this world of ours. A couple of days ago I saw that VP Cheney had shot a man accidentally, it was completely understadable if it was an accident things like that happen all the time I'm sure. The VP refused to talk to the press about didn't inform White House Press Secretary McClellan of what had happened. Now I am not all up in arms over what the VP did if it was an accident Okay. What gets me is his attitude towards the whole thing. When the police tried to talk to him about the Secret Service wouldn't allow it, then he refused to talk about it, and then when he did talk to the press about it he would only talk to a certain news organisation. The VP still feels his actions were okay. I guess what I am getting at is how safe should we feel if the man second highest on the totem pole feels that something minor like this is not the people busines. Makes me wonder what larger things is this administration hiding form the people who put them there. It is abount Honesty not the incident.

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