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Thursday, February 16, 2006


True faith is blind, but that does not mean we should believe everything we are told. Today Christianity is under attack by the very people claiming to be its protectors. I in my own opinion think that we should treat all people equal no matter what. People claim that by removing religion from school and other aspects of Govn't is wrong but please remember that church and state are to be seperate. The gay marriage thing was big a while ago, but the people trying to outlaw it are hipocrits they speak of wanting to protect the sanctity of marriage but, then shouldn't you also be trying just as hard to outlaw adultry or divorce and all other things facing marrige. If you were to do that then it wouldn't bother me either way, I could care less. Also Intellegent Design theory shouldn't be taught in school. School is a place of learning, church is the place for spiritual enlightenment. By making religion a science you are belittleing it. I personally believe that our views of God and religion should change and we advance technology wise. The U.S. is falling behind other nations in the sciences and maths, if we cling on to archaic beliefs about God and mans place in the universe then all of humanity is doomed to go the way of the dinosaurs just in a more civilized way.

1 comment:

Robert E. Morgan, Jr. said...

I like the way you structured your argument. I think through the years, if you keep writing, you will become a very powerful voice for your generation. One small note of concern is that of proofreading. After you finish your work, always I repeat always proofread. Use the spell check also. But other than that, you are a born debator and I am proud of you.