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Saturday, August 29, 2009


I have always made friends with people who were older than me, not by much maybe one or two years, but in high school my senior year all my good close friends graduated, and I was left alone my senior year my junior year was what was really fun for me. Here I am in college and the same thing is happening all over again my closest friends have graduated already except for one. I still have friends just not really close ones, but that is not the point of this post. What I want to address is that most of my friends who have graduated can't seem to find any jobs I mean I know people who did get jobs, but I also know a lot who can't. One of my friends who has a studio art degree has no job, another with a Graphic design degree has no job, sure these are artsy degrees so that is not so far fetched, but some with degrees like computer science can't find jobs either. They have all had jobs since they graduated, but they are extremely underemployed. This makes me worry about my own future. Will I be able to find a job when I graduate. I want to work in DC in government foreign policy hopefully but coming out of college I will take what I can get. Still the question persist. I really have no point to make here just expressing a concern. I am getting ready now I am taking the Foreign Service Test in October hopefully I will pass that and I am asking people now to put me in contact with some people I hope if works out. How many College graduates are un/underemployed?


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kb said...

Hey C-Dell!

Yeah, the transition horror; entering the "real" world. You can do it, and I expect you will. You're a true believer, and true belief opens doors. I was in the service, getting out was the scariest thing. All was taken care of, the world wasn't so socialist. It's scary, but everybody else does it. You can, as easily as they do. Which ain't easy, but it's being in the world as as much a human as anybody else. And, a college-educated human. You're as entitled as anybody else. You can be in a room and be as qualified as anybody else in the room.

Keep your beliefs, make a better world. You're entering the opportunity to do so phase. I wish I was you.