I bought a new iPod and I've been putting a lot of new music it, and I've notices something that I knew already. I realized that Obama has truly inspired and given hope to black america. Black Americans have for a long time felt that they were not actually apart of this country, that they were residents of this country, but not citizens. Pride in ones country was not an aspect of Black culture in America. Now I listen to songs like Black President, and My President, and it shows that people who typically have no interest or concern for the politics of this country and now interested and showing their sensitive side in a sense that they have a stake in the outcome of this election. You may not like this, but Senator Obama's nomination has validated Black Americans showing that they are apart of this country that they matter that they cannot be ignored as a force in this nation. Senator Obama win or lose has made history in this country and will forver be a Hero in the Black community. The sad part of this story is that if he does not win in November he will send Black America into a depression. They will feel that they put their hopes and dreams into this one man only to be let down by the same people who have been letting them down for years, because of the multicultural nature of this country we see things in that lense, and we now cannot see the importance of Senator Obama's campaign.